Monday, April 24, 2006

Lobbyists battling new reporting requirements

As you might expect, Missouri lobbyists are not taking new reporting requirements lying down. A lawsuit has filed by a lobbyist against the new requirements, which would stop the dodge of paying for meals and drinks for committees and caucuses without the individual members having the gifts listed on their records. The Associated Press ran an article on the subject today.


  1. You have got to love that lobbyists have become a lower level of scum than lawyers, politicians (hard to do), or used car (Pre-Owned) salesman. The sad thing is that they might actually win their case.

  2. Anonymous12:09 PM

    The power lobbyists have in this state is a direct result of term limits. The most powerful people in the capitol are the ones who have been around and know how to play the game and that isn't the reps, ousted after 8 years. Every interest group has one and if they want to buy a rep a meal, so be it. Rather than attack them, try electing a moral politician who won't be bought off...
