Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Democratic leader accepts gifts from state agency

Ban gifts outright.
The U. S. Senate has no intention of doing so, but that is the only way the potency of this practice will ever be decreased. Sure, there are going to be lobbyists and special interests who will slip legislators gifts under the table, but if there is no doubt that it is illegal, it can be prosecuted when it is discovered.
The latest incident that points out the need for such a law is chronicled in an article in today's Washington Post. Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid of Nevada took free ringside tickets from the Nevada Athletic Commission to three boxing matches while the Commission had a stake in legislation on the federal regulation of boxing.
That was the peg on the news story, but it doesn't really matter what legislation was pending. The idea of our elected officials accepting freebies from anybody is a problem. They are paid well over $100,000 to represent us. If they want ringside tickets or to fly to the Bahamas or to play in a golf tournament, let them spend their own money and pay for their own travel.
The only way to restore faith in government is to forget this nonsense, prevalent in both state and national politics that disclosure is a cureall for everything that ails the system. It's not. The only cure is to totally eliminate the disease.


  1. Anonymous6:19 AM

    While I agree with your premise (all gifts should be illegal), to be fair, it should be pointed out that Sen. Reid did vote against the legislation supported by the Commission. See, www.talkingpointsmemo.com.

  2. Point well taken. Sadly, he apparently did not even think twice about accepting the gift and that is the kind of mindset that needs to be eliminated in Washington, D. C., and in Jefferson City.

  3. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Funny, if this was someone from the right, Turner would be all over it. As it is this barely gets a mention. You have to make up your mind Turner, is this a news source or an opinion column. Since most of your rehtoric is baseless and grounded in falsehood, I would have to say it is simply your idiot liberal opinion. Also, I love the fact that this "anonymouse" website drives you crazy. Must be sad that you can't put together these comspiracies about conservatives posting over and over. Fact is I doubt that even happens. You can say whatever you want since it is your site to make you sound as if you have any type of following. If you did, SW Missouri would elect more liberal trash.

  4. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Well said, Randy. I think it should be illegal for them to accept the gifts. WE pay them enough money to have their fun with their own money, not with someone's that is trying to bribe them. And that is what it is to me...a bribe.
    To the last anonymous post ...you must be some sort of "trash" yourself because what you write is trash.
    Randy, keep up the good reporting..like anonymous said, "You can say whatever you want since it is your site" so keep saying because things like this are WRONG. I have decided that come the next election I am going to do further research than I have in the past to get some of these people out of "our" office that doesn't deserve to be there. They need to represent the people instead of their own selves and wallets.
