Saturday, May 27, 2006

Examiner: Hostage may have been sexually assaulted

The grim tale of the fugitive couple arrested Thursday in Barton County grows worse with each new bit of information. The Independence Examiner is reporting the five-year-old kidnap victim of Richard Davis and Dena Riley may have been sexually assaulted.
The two have been charged with numerous counts, including first degree murder and kidnapping.


  1. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Check your facts. The couple hasn't been charged, and probably won't be until Tuesday. Plus, the F.B.I. is not saying whether or not they are investigating a sexual assault on the young girl. Do some real reporting instead of pulling false facts off of A.P.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. The charges are already on Do some checking yourself.

  4. Anonymous6:25 PM

    the obvious confusion is due to the fact that charges were filed in the spicer murder case. there might be additional charges, which have obviously not yet been filed, related to other investigations (including possible kidnapping charges on the little girl).

  5. Anonymous10:18 PM

    I talked to a good source today who reported that the little girls clothing was drenched in blood around the genetal region, and that she was taken to the Mercy Childrens Hospital in KC?

    One person who arrived at the scene shortly before Shannon believed that they were about to take Mr Duncans pickup. Shannon showed up with his Glock drawn, cuffed and shacked Davis.

    Bad deal, hang these people, they can't do it again then.

  6. Anonymous10:20 PM


  7. Anonymous2:23 AM

    I read the little girl had surgery due to what they did to her and will be in the hospital several weeks. No wonder they had bullet proof vests when they went to court. I can't even begin to imagine the anger her parents are feeling.
