Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Harpool candidacy subject of Post-Dispatch article

Former State Representative Doug Harpool's efforts to dislodge Aunt Norma Champion from her state senate seat are examined in an article from the Monday St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
The article touches on Harpool's bill that created the Missouri Ethics Commission and his campaign to restore ethics to the State Legislature.


  1. Anonymous7:17 PM

    no link?

  2. Anonymous8:20 PM


    Since you have been so tough on administrators, I would really like to know what you think about Dr. Simpson's LARGE pay raise? Also, what do you think about Mrs. Bridges working in your district after you have blasted her so many times.

  3. Whoops, sorry about the lack of a link. I will get that fixed. As for the second comment, the only administrator I can recall criticizing has been Mark Mayo, the Diamond superintendent. I don't recall blasting Mrs. Bridges, though I do recollect noting that she should not have made more than $35,000 a year as a superintendent's secretary when experienced teachers with advanced degrees were making thousands of dollars less. I also have no idea what your comment has to do with Doug Harpool.

  4. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Well it is the only forum I have. I thought since another reader posed the same question to you and you refused to answer that I would pose it again. So, Randy what do you think about your bosses very large salary and the fact that he is paid twice what your former boss Mr. Mayo is. Remember, you continually dogged him about being the highest paid super in the conference. Let's give equal time to Dr. Simpson.

  5. If you would like to give equal time to Dr. Simpson, please feel free to start your own blog. It's not going to happen here.

  6. Anonymous4:55 AM

    Sounds like a double standard to me.

  7. Anonymous1:11 PM

    I have no idea what all this is about, but, Harpool is a quality candidate who will be well funded. This race will be a "sleeper race" with a possible pick up by the Democrats. If the ethics issue gets messy, "Aunt Norma" will not come off as bright enough to stop the ethics collapse in Jeff City. While "Aunt Norma" is well liked and popular, she does not come off as a rocket scientist. Although I'm sure she is personally ethical, she is what she is, "Aunt Norma". Harpool on the otherhand is sharp, well respected and no fool.
