Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Comments indicate Kupersmith pushed out at Thomas Jefferson

The Joplin Daily followed up Thomas Jefferson's news release on the departure of longtime Thomas Jefferson Independent Day School headmaster Leonard Kupersmith, with its own reporting today.
Reporter Kaylea Hutson put TJ's Board Chairman Debra Humphreys on record as to the reason for the change. It appears the board wanted someone to take the school "to the next level."
It will be interesting to see if the Globe follows up on the story. It ran the news release in today's edition.


  1. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Funny, Dr K. is out and a man with no doctorate degree is in. Not that a degree is everything it just makes it seem like they just did not like him anymore so he is out. I have heard that is the way it is at that school and the business too, for that matter.

  2. Anonymous5:48 AM

    If you want to talk about reform, talk about how teachers are treated when it comes March/April and it is time to renew contracts. Many, many schools around here keep new teachers for 2 to 3 years and then let them go for no reason except to keep costs down. Seems a bit unfair to me.

  3. Anonymous11:59 AM

    The small market for TJ has resulted in policies that have been at odds at what TJ is supposed to be. When the emphasis turns from education to being popular with the students and pandering to the parents, the show is pretty much over. I can tell you from personal experience Dr. Kupersmith was under intense pressure to cave in to parents over the most trivial of matters. In the end, what he was trying to do (make a school that actually provided a good quality education) was at odds with what his "clients" wanted.
    What did his clients want? Well, Bill Carter will work out well in this respect as the "interim headmaster" because he has no interest in trying to provide such a high-quality educational experience. Bill Carter is a very practical man and he understands quite well that there are 2 things that will keep the coffers of TJ full. First, keep the kids happy by making sure they do not have too much work and they are never in danger of any real academic work. Second, keep the parents happy by preparing their kids for the PSATs so they can save on college expenses and their kid will appear to have the "symptoms" of a good education.

  4. I am curious. Could you give some specifics on ways in which Thomas Jefferson has changed. What are the reasons for the change? Why are they heavily advertising the fact that they have smaller classes? If the advertising is successful, wouldn't that end small classes once and for all?
