Thursday, June 15, 2006

Straight ticket voting a thing of the past

With all of the attention being focused on the Voter ID portion of the new law that was signed into effect by Governor Matt Blunt Wednesday, one part has been largely overlooked.
I don't personally have any big problem with requiring photo identification, if every effort is made to make sure prospective voters have photos provided to them free of charge.
However, the part of the law I like best is the elimination of straight ticket voting. For anyone to say that either the Democrats or the Republicans have the best candidate for each position on the national, state or local levels is ludicrous. Voting a straight ticket is the lazy man's way out of becoming involved enough in the process to research the candidates and see which one is the best for the job.
Thankfully, that will no longer be possible.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Guess I hadn't been keeping up very well, I wasn't aware anyone had proposed the elimination of straight ticket voting, but I agree with you 100 percent that it is a good thing to get rid of.

    I choose to look at each candidate and office when I vote and never assume somebody is better because of the ticket they filed on. The ones that choose to make one mark on a ballot spend less time voting than they do taking care of their paper work when finish going to the bathroom.

