Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Court ruling: Inmates must be allowed to have abortions

What next, cosmetic surgery?
A federal court judge today issued a ruling that the state of Missouri must allow inmates to have abortions and has to provide transportation to the facilities where the procedures will take place.
Governor Matt Blunt has already issued a statement:
"This ruling violates our traditional Missouri values and is an affront to everyone that values the sanctity of human life. I urge the attorney general to fight this ruling that prevents the state of Missouri from protecting innocent human life."

While I agree totally with the governor's statement, I am just as concerned about the message this sends about the frivolous use of taxpayer money. Abortion, legal or not, is an elective medical procedure. There is no reason for the state to have to allow prisoners to have this procedure, much less have to use state money and manpower to transport the prisoner to the abortion clinic.


  1. I completely agree with you.

  2. Anonymous11:57 PM

    What about post birth abortions?
