Thursday, July 27, 2006

Felder disclosure report finally filed

The Neosho Daily News broke the news Wednesday that Steve Felder, D-Neosho, a candidate for the 130th District State Representative position currently held by Kevin Wilson, R-Neosho, had not filed his quarterly campaign disclosure report by the July 18 deadline.
Felder has now filed that report and it doesn't show much. Felder received $320 during the three-month period and spent $277.43, leaving him with $42.53.
The report, in addition to its lateness, has other problems. Felder lists three $100 contributions, but one of them is handwritten and is illegible, while the other two list no names or addresses. He also did not file any information on how he spent the campaign money.
Felder's $42.53 falls a bit short of the $26,539.12 Wilson reports having in his account. Further details on Wilson's financial disclosure statement can be found in the July 22 Turner Report.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:46 PM

    $26,000.00 ehhh???

    I suppose that is the going price that insurance lobbies pay for a state legislature.
