Thursday, July 27, 2006

Good old boy network must still write Globe headlines

The Joplin Globe's coverage of independent candidate Kim Wright's challenge to incumbent 32nd District State Senator Gary Nodler, R-Joplin, hasn't been exactly comprehensive to begin with, but the handling of the apparent success of her petition drive to get on the November ballot was poor, even by Globe standards.
Susan Redden's story on page 6A of the July 20 print edition was balanced and well written; it was the good old boy network in the headline writers that gummed up the works.
The headline read "Woman submits petition to challenge Sen. Nodler"
First, why list Sen. Nodler's name and not Kim Wright's.
Second, would the Globe have even thought of writing a headline that said, "Man submits petitions to challenge Sen. Nodler?" In this day and age, even stodgy old Joplin Globe editors should not be surprised when a woman runs for office.


  1. Anonymous6:48 PM

    This is so funny! Turner is complaining about the Globe mentioning Nodler's name in the story about Wright's petition, yet Turner’s own complaint mentions Nodler’s name four times and Wright’s only twice. Its clear that even Turner thinks that Nodler is news and Wright isn’t , in fact just do a count of stories on this site and remember Wright has sent Emails to Turner asking for coverage, I doubt that Nodler has ever asked Turner to write a piece. Randy, maybe the Globe sees it just like you, Senator Nodler is news and Kim Wright isn’t.

  2. Obviously, you missed the point. It has nothing to do with Nodler, it has to do with the use of the word "woman" in the headline. The word "Wright" is just one more letter than "woman." This was about sexism and The Joplin Globe, not about Gary Nodler.

  3. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Then why did you mention his name four times if it had nothing to do with him?

  4. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Ever consider that the headline was likely written by a woman? No one knows this woman yet. Everyone knows Nodler. That's just the way it is.
