Thursday, August 24, 2006

Grand Valley tax issue needs to be explored

Hopefully, reporters for the local newspapers and television stations are already looking into this, but just how much money is being siphoned away from the McDonald County School District by the Grand Valley Independent Baptist Church?
The church has been the focus of numerous stories on television newscasts and in newspapers and now, thanks to the reach of Associated Press, it is known throughout the state and even beyond its boundaries.
Church property is tax-exempt, a concept which is a hallmark of America, but how much property other than one church building and its immediate surroundings (if such a building exists) has been taken off the tax rolls?
How is the money being made by the Grand Valley businesses being treated and the property on which they are conducted? Internet advertisements for the Grand Valley Kennel Business say all money goes toward the "Grand Valley Christian Academy." Are any taxes paid on the property on which this academy exists, or are classes perhaps held in the church itself?
How much of the property, if any, owned in the Granby area compound by Rev. George Otis Johnston and his followers has been taken off the East Newton R-6 tax rolls?
Obviously, the tax issues pale in comparison to the alleged sexual abuse of children, but this is a side of the story that is hopefully being examined by our local media.
The people in both compounds separated themselves from the outer community, which is their right, but at the same time did they take advantage of every possible incentive available to them and allow their compounds to be partially financed by the people whose company, for the most part, they disdained?


  1. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Do any of you remember Raymond Lambert and one of the Eplings from La-Z-Boy a few years back? If my memory serves me correctly they quit to start a waterbed factory. How ironic that is to me now. Also when watching the news the other night it seemed that Patty Epling Lambert was quite happy to be smiling and sitting in the courtroom. I guess she thought she finally got her big debut. Didn't see an ounce of remorse on her face at all....just happy to be in the limelight. Weird.

  2. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Good point Randy.
