Sunday, August 13, 2006

Thomas making the change from CPA to politician

Sandra Thomas spent the entire primary season telling potential voters the difference between her and her four opponents was that she was a CPA and they were politicians.
Now that she is facing a CPA, Democratic nominee Susan Montee, in the November election, apparently Ms. Thomas and her handlers are going to play politics.
Check out this excerpt from KY3 News Blog:

Thomas campaign manager Ryan Johnson says basic political philosophy will be key. "I think you will notice distinct difference in their basic political philosophy. For instance, Sandra Thomas is a fiscal and social conservative whereas Ms. Montee is much more liberal on fiscal and social issues," Johnson said.

The conceit of Ms. Thomas' campaign is this "I am not a politician" nonsense. She is a politician and even her position saying she wasn't one was just another example of playing the political game. (The same theme was used quite effectively in Jasper County by presiding commissioner nominee John Bartosh.)
Perhaps one reason for Ms. Thomas' change in strategy is the knowledge that Ms. Montee does not have a county that has misplaced $195,000.
All of a sudden, politics seems to be popular again.
I just came across this update from the Platte County Landmark. The $195,000 has reportedly been found, but the resolution does not say much for Sandra Thomas' ability as a county auditor.


  1. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Careful there Randy, your blue is leaking through pretty visibly.
    Thomas is more qualified in every way than Montee and we all know it. What happened to voting for the person and not the party?
    Besides, don't you think the Platte County Treasurer just MIGHT bear the responsibility for the dough?

  2. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Randy - please don't waste time for the next few weeks slamming Thomas and Talent and bragging about the wonders of Montee and claim to be a great journalist - and don't mind telling others how to be one.
    If you have an ounce of journalistic sense, you would know better than to be so biased....just put a donkey on your website and be honest. At least we could respect you for that....

    Don't talk out of both sides of your mouth....stamp your partiasanship on your site and then have at it.

  3. Anonymous2:20 PM

    All, y'all don't get it do ya? This is a BLOG, it's Randy's BLOG, it's not a newspaper. Randy can say what he wants here and leak all the blue he wants. He can also leak all the red he wants to. The First Ammendment still applies here and he's not playing journalist. He's playing commentator, a totally different animal. If he wants to slam Talent, (and there are a host of reasons to do that) fine. If he wants to slam McCaskill (and she's not squeeky clean either) he can do that.

  4. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Sure he can. You're right. It his blog and he can opinion to his heart's content. That's fine.
    The difference is he represents himself as being non-partisan and politically objective. Guess what? He isn't. But then who is? Just don't deny it. That's the point. If Sandra Thomas was running as a Democrat and Montee as a Republican Randy would do a complete 180 degree turn-around and support Thomas, who is obviously the more qualified of the two based on her record and double the experience as a CPA. What does party affliation have to do with anything in this case? It shouldn't.
