Saturday, August 26, 2006

Washington Times: Bush factor could have negative impact on Talent re-election chances

Some Missourians are so fed up with the war in Iraq and high gas prices, and dissatisfied with President Bush that it might cost Jim Talent a second term, according to an article in today's Washington Times:

Several residents of the Show Me State said they voted to re-elect Mr. Bush in 2004 because they felt "he got us into the war, and he should be the one to lead us out." Now, they see no end to the prolonged stay in Iraq, and they think a change of direction might be the best option.


  1. Anonymous9:26 PM

    This former Republican voted for Bush in 04, but I will be thinking differently this time when I head to the voting booth. Don't count on me voting for Talent, Nodler, and the others! What a disappointment and a shame!

  2. Anonymous8:18 AM

    I,too, voted for them last time but will not be voting with the Republicans this time at all.
