Sunday, October 22, 2006

Former O'Sullivan official to serve eight years in prison

As other media outlets have reported, including the Neosho Daily News and Joplin Globe (I haven't had much of an opportunity to catch the local news the past couple of days), former O'Sullivan Industries official Gary Reed Blankenship, 56, was sentenced Thursday in Newton County Circuit Court to consecutive four-year prison terms for possession of child pornography and promoting obscenity.
Blankenship pleaded guilty in September to the reduced charges after initially being charged with nine felony counts.
Blankenship was caught in one of Diamond Police officer Jim Murray's internet sex stings.


Anonymous said...

Nice to see the legal system work for once.

Anonymous said...

He was sentenced to that, he will serve much, much less. If he is in for a year I would be real prior offenses and a rather unviolent crime.

Anonymous said...

But at least he will see the inside of a jail. That's more than I had figured would happen.

Anonymous said...

Any sex offender is required to go through the sex offenders program inside the DOC. A sex offender is serving approximately 70% of his or her time today.