Thursday, November 30, 2006

AP: Guest House fire may lead to mandatory sprinkler systems

The Anderson Guest House did not have a sprinkler system, which might have helped save some of the 10 people who died in a Nov. 27 fire. It was not required to have one, but that soon may change.
Associated Press reports Monday's blaze should bring about a new push for mandatory sprinkling systems for group homes.


  1. Anonymous7:32 PM

    i love mister turner's awesome

  2. Anonymous7:08 PM

    The AP article doesn't sound too promising. Lets look at this issue from another perspective. Mandatory sprinklers for dumps like the Guest Houses? How's about DMH just not using those places for their clients and putting DuPont out of business?? Ever wonder why DMH has continued to fill Carl Junction, the numerous Guest Houses in Joplin and Anderson? A lot of it is because they just don't care. Services for the mentally ill (El Dorado Springs and previously Nevada State Hospital)have always been marginal at best. And the privatized Ozark Center contract group in Joplin is pathetic. Back during the years when DMH had a lot more $$$ they didn't bother to develop their own residential services in this area like they should have because it was just too easy to use existing crummy providers. I wonder if they still use that horrible Drake Hotel in Carthage?

    Sprinkling those dumps is going to cost a fortune and it would be DMH that would have to pay the increased per client rates to help cover the cost. Put DuPont out of business instead and come into the 21st Century and use the money to develop decent community living for some of the state's most vulnerable citizens.

  3. Anonymous7:13 PM

    I forgot to mention-the other enablers are the public administrators who go along with placing their wards in DuPont type places.
