Monday, November 27, 2006

Hacker receives New York Times byline

Joplin Daily Editor John Hacker has hit the pages of the nation's number one newspaper.
Hacker shares a byline with Ralph Blumenthal in an article posted a short time ago on the New York Times website:

Survivors who spoke to grief counselors from the Ozark Center of Joplin said they had heard a loud bang or an explosion that filled corridors with smoke and sent residents jumping out their windows to escape. Some said the staff member who died had been trying to help the injured out of the building. Four bodies were recovered from the ruins; the six other people died later.


  1. Anonymous1:43 AM

    Hmmmmm...wonder if Eddie S. ever had a byline, shared or otherwise, in the NYT.

  2. Anonymous7:16 PM

    I can name several people in this area who got bylines in NYT. That and fifty cents might buy a cup of coffee...not sure being in the NYT is anything to be proud of...unless you are a wanna be journalist and see that as the top of the mountain.

  3. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Oh, let's give John Hacker his due here. That's quite an achievement (although he did have to have the assistance of another reporter in getting the story). This will look great on John's resume. (And he doesn't have to mention that he was propped up by another reporter.)

  4. Anonymous4:25 AM

    Hmmm...paper of record that been respected for nearly 150 years or a local rag that's poorly and cheaply run?

    No contest, Wally. Or is it Debby? Carol? Ed?

  5. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Of course Hacker needed the assistance of another former Globe staffer in getting the Times gig.

  6. Anonymous5:13 AM

    I wonder if the powers-that-be with Gatehouse Media realize the editor and chief of thier newest news source - - is string writing for the NYT? I saw the Times article (online and in print), and saw no mention of Hakcer's byline. Isn't there an ethical issue here?

  7. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Hacker just added a Times photo credit. Looks like he is using his best stuff on

  8. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Ethics and GateHouse. That's an oxymoron.

  9. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Sounds like Michelle and Kaylea have a little jealousy problem.
