Wednesday, November 15, 2006

News-Leader editorial blasts Immigration Committee report

An editorial in today's Springfield News-Leader blasts Rep. Ed Emery, R-Lamar, for his insertion of his own personal beliefs into the report issued by the special Immigration Committee he headed. In the report, Emery opined that the blame for the illegal immigration problem can be placed on abortion:

Emery, Republican chairman of the House Special Committee on Immigration Reform, ruined any hope of credibility his committee might have by inserting some of his personal opinions into the final report. In short, Emery blames the nation's illegal immigration problem on "liberal social welfare policies" and the effects of 30 years of legalized abortion. The way Emery sees it, all those aborted fetuses would have grown up into the kind of laborers that would take the jobs that immigrants from Mexico and other places are crossing our borders illegally to obtain.

The editorial points out the flaws in Emery's anti-abortion, pro-business report:

The one thing Missouri lawmakers have within their power to do is create a business environment that punishes industries that purposely hire illegal immigrants. That sort of enforcement is already going on in the state and is supported by Democrats and Republicans. That concept earned one measly sentence in Emery's report.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Emery is an idealogue of the worst kind! He hears and sees things the way HE wants to hear or see them; not necessarily as they are. He's a nice guy, but a TERRIBLE legislator. He makes all the rest of us in SW MO - and now all the others on his committee -- look like fools for being associated with him.
