Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Polling place foulups give Joplin unwanted attention

Word spread quickly about the problems Jasper County election officials are having with a lack of ballots.
A few moments ago, I heard MSNBC's Keith Olbermann say, "The Xerox machines are running in Joplin, Mo."
I am sure Joplin is the topic on some of the other news programs, as well.


  1. Anonymous5:36 PM

    I was unable to vote because Ron Mosbaugh, chief election official for Jasper County, failed to predict how many ballots each precinct would need. When I went to vote after work, I was told to come back because they didn't have any more ballots. When I came back around 6:45, the line stretched all the way into the parking lot. I made the decision just to forget it and go home.

    Mr. Mosbaugh, knowing all the publicity that today's election was drawing, how could you be asleep at the switch? I would have sent each precinct double the number of ballots as people voted in the 2004 presidential election, just so I wouldn't be caught with my pants down.

  2. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Mr. Fed Up, do you want thousands of your tax dollars to go into the trash because the county printed thousands of extra ballots for voters that are dead or have moved? This is a good problem to have. If you were really concerned about voting you could've voted in advance or have been willing to wait. Talk about a sunshine patriot.

  3. While I certainly do not intend to claim that Ron Mosbaugh was well prepared, I do have to believe that it is worth waiting for an hour or however long it may take to exercise the privilege to vote. If we fail to vote because it inconveniences us, we don't have any right to complain about the people who are elected.
