Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Blunt asks attorney general to take action against Dupont

The following statement concerning Robert DuPont and the Anderson Guest House was just released by Governor Matt Blunt's press office. Dupont was the owner of the faciilty, which burned, killing 10 people.

It appears that Robert DuPont may have been illegally involved in the operation of the Anderson Guest House, which was recently destroyed by fire, killing nine residents and one staff member, as well as three other long-term care facilities in Southwest Missouri.

"I am outraged at the growing evidence that Robert DuPont, a convicted felon, was illegally involved in the operations of Anderson Guest House and three other facilities. The state Departments of Health and Senior Services and Mental Health are investigating and will seek to take the strongest possible licensure actions against the facilities if warranted. Today, I am asking Attorney General Jay Nixon to use his full investigatory powers and to pursue criminal or civil charges against Robert DuPont if it is found that he committed fraud or any other violation of state law.

"I look forward to receiving by the end of the year the report and recommendations for strengthening fire safety protections for residents of long-term care facilities by the Departments of Health and Senior Services and Mental Health. I am committed to reviewing the circumstances of this tragic situation and using this situation to improve the state’s system of licensing, inspecting and protecting the safety, health and wellbeing of residents in long-term care facilities in Missouri.

"I am also pleased that the General Assembly passed my recommendation to provide additional staff starting this year to perform regular inspections of long-term care facilities and follow-up on complaints."

The FY 2007 budget contains a $2.6 million boost for the Department of
Health and Senior Services to add 32 new group home and residential facility


  1. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Dupont couldn't do what he did if the state didn't allow it. Where were/are the state officials that should have been checking the records to prevent such a tragedy? He took advantage of their incompetence.

  2. Anonymous8:46 PM

    It isn't just about inspections or sprinklers. State budget cuts have had a negative impact on services including housing and community support. Will Mr. Blunt be assessing the need for increases in these needed supports?

  3. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Blunt has had negative impact on everything in this state.
