Saturday, December 02, 2006

Fundraising decision an easy one for Governor Blunt

I have read three or four articles already about Governor Matt Blunt's announcement that he will not accept campaign contributions above the current limits between Jan. 1 and Jan. 3.
Under the misguided "reform" bill passed by the legislature and signed into law by the governor, campaign finance limits have been tossed out the window beginning in 2007, but candidates are not allowed to raise money during the legislative session.
This year, the legislative session does not begin until Jan. 3, which gives candidates a two-day window to collect as much money as they can.
Blunt has said he will not take the money and is asking other candidates to follow his lead. One thing I have not noticed in any of these stories is the fact that it is easy for the governor to take a principled stand when he already has nearly $1.8 million in his campaign account, according to the October quarterly report filed with the Missouri Ethics Commission.

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