Monday, December 04, 2006

Internet first, newspaper second as Gannett moves into future

Bob Dylan said it best: The times, they are a changin' and nowhere is that more evident than in the newspaper industry.
You can see it with the changes that are being made on newspaper websites. GateHouse Media's Neosho Daily News and Joplin Daily have featured podcasts on their site, and the Joplin Globe was the local pioneer in including reader reaction to articles. Recently, the Globe has begun its reporters' notebooks, offering insight into stories.
The Springfield News-Leader and the rest of Gannett Co. newspapers are going one step further. Anticipating the future of the news business, Gannett has ordered all of its newspapers to emphasize the internet first and the print edition second.
More details are given in an article in today's Washington Post.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. H-m-m-m, I don't think so, Randy!

    "Joplin Globe was the local pioneer in including reader reaction to articles."
