Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Nodler considering bid for statewide office

We should have seen this one coming.
32nd District State Senator Gary Nodler, R-Joplin, has filed papers with the Missouri Ethics Commission indicating he may seek statewide office in 2012.
Nodler, who will begin his second and final term in January, indicated on the document, which was scanned into the state system Dec. 7, (providing another constant reminder of a date that will live in infamy) that he will seek an "undetermined" state office in the Aug. 7, 2012 primary.
The filing was made only a week after Nodler filed papers indicating he would run for an "undetermined" statewide office in August 2010. Apparently, he decided had no interest in running for state auditor. That filing also indicated that Tom Flanigan is no longer serving as Nodler's treasurer, and has been replaced by Joncee Nodler, the senator's wife.


  1. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Please tell me this is a joke.

  2. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Great, he wouldn't discuss the issues in our community during an open forum, but plans to run for an undisclosed office in 2012. Let's all send him lots of buttery treats and bacon...maybe he'll have a heart attack. Sound mean? His track record has proven that he is not FOR the people, he is FOR BIG BUSINESS! That would truly be mean to the people in our community.

  3. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Nodler has attended every Eggs and Issues meeting held in the 4 years he has been in office. These forums hosted by the Chambers of Commerce have been held in Webb City, Carthage, Joplin & Neosho. They have always been well publicized and open to the public and every one is an open forum with questions availabe from any citizen, so Nodler has had at least 16 open forums and been available to answer any question from any citizen, Oh more than that, he also has held at least 3 open forums in Dade county so that would make it 19...pretty far cry from the untrue allegation that he refused to have any!

  4. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Wooooo Eggs and Issues! Wow! He really put himself out there didn't he? Wow! Of course those are in the mornings when most people have to be at work, but he really tried to reach everyone you can just tell. And 3 in Dade County! WOW! There are all those thousands of voters in Dade! Sarcasm aside, when asked to debate Kim Wright, about Community Issues, Mr. Nodler said "no". This is a fact. Once again, Big Business = Gary Nodler.

  5. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Will he lose weight before he tries to run for another office, he looks awful.

  6. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Who is kim wright?

  7. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Nodler was never asked to debate Kim Wright. No such proposal was ever made. The closest thing to that was a proposal by KOAM to do a joint interview that the TV station would then edit before presenting to voters. The suggestion that Nodler ever declined a Debate with his opponent is just plain wrong.

  8. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Anonymous, You are the one who is wrong. I was with Kim when the call was made and Mr. Nodler declined. There was a whole room full of people and he was on speaker. Don't talk about things you know nothing about.

  9. Anonymous5:59 AM

    The election is over. The people have spoken. The turnout was huge. The decision is final. Depite the fact that hundreds or thousands of ballots in Jasper Couty were given to voters with Kim Wright's name pre-voted, Nodler won in a landslide. Nodler is the choice of the people and by a very wide margin! People like Jim lied about Nodler before the election and will continue to tell lies against him now, they don't get it, the voters don't buy what they keep trying to sell. Senator Nodler has the support of the people and Jim just doesn't like the fact that he and his friends are losers as well as liars.

  10. Anonymous8:31 AM

    I don't think that I would put my name on anything that could be called a lie, whereas you anonymous twit doesn't even have the decency to put your name on your commments, but freely call others liars. You and Nodler are the liars in this forum. Kim Wright's name was NOT pre-printed on any ballots that I ever heard about, that was someone running for State Treasurer. Hellooooo - get your facts straight. The only lies being spouted on this blog, are by you. Sick to death of it. Nodler won, but in the end, the people of our community will lose. Time will show the truth.

  11. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Vote for Porky Pig! Free movies for all (crippled kids need not apply)

  12. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Jim you are wrong, Kim Wright's name was pre-voted on many of the ballots. That has been verified by Secretary of State Robin Carnahan, if she can be trusted....By the way Jim, what is your name? Jim who? If you have the decency to put your name on your comments then do it, Jim, or Tom or Dick or Harry or Mickey Mouse. Jim is the same as Anonymous you Twit! Jim your first lie was that Nodler refused to appear at open forums, just a plain lie. Your second is to say that Kim Wright's name wasn't pre-voted in ballots in Jasper County. Your third lie is that you have revealed your identity. It is clear for all to see who the liar is, you twit! call me Anonymous or you can all me Jim or Ray or Bill or any other name there are almost never comments on here from folks revealling their identity Jim or I could just call you Anonymous because its the same as "Jim".

  13. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Jim or anonymous or whoever you are , lets prove your claim, you say you were with Kim when this call was made, Who made the call? What time and date? You say you called Nodler, be specific date and time of course his schedule is something that can be verified and phone records as well. You say you were on a speaker phone, Who's? You know telephone records can verify or disprove you so let`s go Jimmy Boy put up or shut up? The game is up Jim your lies are now proven!

  14. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Anonymous back off. Jim was just stating what he knows, I guess, and you are like all defensive. It doesn't help Gary's situation for you to be so mean. Wow. I would agree that putting your first name is better than just being anonymous. No one wants harassing phone calls and to be honest, you read as if you would do something like that. I don't blame Jim for not wanting to put his last name on here, you might be a violent person for all he knows. Blogging isn't supposed to be so mean.

  15. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Mr. Anonymous Jim made a fool of himself by suggesting that putting a first name on here meant something when it means nothing and is the same as Anonymous. He was not stating what he knows but telling a series of lies and he was caught! Gary's situation doesn't need any help, he was just re-elected in a landslide and is doing fine! I am not backing off but going forward with the truth and it seems that to you "Gretchen", the truth hurts. Our Senator has the support of the overwheling majority that have always recognized liars like "Jim" for what they are. By the way I will remain anonymous because Jim may be violent, I know he is a liar, you may be violent "Gretchen" so I will take your own advise and avoid harassing phone calls. Sign me Anonymous, or Jim or Gretchen for that matter.

  16. Anonymous6:37 PM

    We don't need to look further than "Jim"'s own comment to see he is a twit. He says the only thing he heard about was pre-voting for State Treasurer. State Treasurer wasn't on the ballot at all that office is up in 2008 not 2006! Poor Jim he just can't find the truth! Gretchen will probably think it is mean to point out how wrong Jim is.

  17. Anonymous7:23 AM

    I think "Jim" & "Gretchen" are the same person.

  18. Anonymous9:12 AM

    First of all Gary Nodler (or Knothead Nodler as he is called in my circle) IS a joke.....a BIG FAT joke.
    Second if he attended all these eggs and issues meetings I imagine it was for the eggs and the other food that comes with it.
    Third it sounds like Nodler himself with all the ranting and raving by anonymous. Seriously does anyone of you really know this man.
    Fourth sometimes it sounds like his wife talking for him. After all her moneypot lies with him getting another seat.
    Fifth....that's the problem IF you didn't know who Kim was and you just voted for a jokers name that you knew. This seems to happen a lot around these here hills.
    Sixth......Nodler we know who you are, what you are, and we won't forget the movie incident.
    Seventh.....you could run against the devil and I'd vote the devil in because that way at least people really know who's out there representing them.

  19. Anonymous1:38 PM

    I thought Porky's name was Ppp, Ppppp, Pe ppppt, Petunia. Who's this Joncee?

    Bne, bne, bne That's all folks!

  20. Anonymous1:39 PM

    I thought Porky's wife's name was Ppp, Ppppp, Pe ppppt, Petunia. Who's this Joncee?

    Bne, bne, bne That's all folks!

  21. Anonymous2:11 PM

    I just vote fer the feller with the picher of a elephant next to him. Everbody knows they is the fellers that keep Saddam from flyin' more airplanes into buildings in New York and Joplin.

  22. Anonymous6:09 PM

    This is soooo very funny. All These threats to not forget this or vote against that , all this name calling, it all comes from losers. These same comments poured in on this blog and others for the last couple of years, then came the election and Nodler blew you away, so keep chattering you have already shown what you can do and what you can do is make noise and lose. HAHAHAHA! losers, HEHEHEHEHE! losers, HOHOHOHO! each bit of noise you make now points out how little you mean and how far out of touch and out of step you are. It is all so very very funny!!! Your disrespect isn't for the Senator but for The democratic system and the right of the people to choose their leaders, these nasty comments come from people that behave just like Hitler and the Nazis. Call names tell lies and disrespect our elected officials. You are just such jokes yourselves, if you weren't so harmless, powerless and outnumbered your wouldn't be funny.

  23. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Gary? Nick? Is that you going off the deep end again.

  24. Anonymous6:25 PM

    I am so not Jim, I have my own opinions and I like to read the blogs and I like to think about the different points of views. I don't particularly care for Gary and the way he treated those handicapped people at the movie theater at all. What I truly don't like is to read blogs where people put others down. Both Jim and Anonymous are guilty of that. Anonymous is just meaner.

  25. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Anyone who blasts handicapped people for making noise during a movie he, and his brother, got to see for free by takng advantage of a legislative perk is a pig, in my opinion. Anyone who feeds at the trough of big business and fattens his own coffers in the process is also a pig. And anyone who treats others as lower forms of life, talks down to people, and treats most of his constituency as unwashed rabble is, quite frankly, a pig.
    So, let's put aside the jokes about Nodler's weight, and consider his personality: a pig.
    We don't need him in a state office, yet another welfare recipient, albeit on the executive payscale.
    Besides, to compare Nodler to Porky Pig is disrespectful-- to Porky Pig.
