Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Opposition mounts for Blunt's State Board of Education appointee

For some reason, most of the state's media has not picked up on the controversy surrounding Governor Matt Blunt's appointment of voucher supporter and one-time private school owner Donayle Whitmore-Smith to the State Board of Education.
The opposition to Ms. Whitmore-Smith is on the increase, according to an article in today's Columbia Tribune:

"She’s been very open in her support of vouchers and school choice and is also associated with" All Children Matter, a group that supports public funding for private schools, said Brent Ghan, Missouri School Boards Association spokesman. "That’s troublesome. ... Being on the State Board of Education gives you a certain platform and visibility."

The Turner Report was the first source to note Ms. Whitmore-Smith's rather colorful background, including her time operating a private school, including this information from an Oct. 26 post:

Ms. Whitmore-Smith, is not an educator, but did form the Ptah Academy a St. Louis private school.

An Oct. 16, 2001, article described the beginning of the day at the academy. "The ribbons of incense and the children who meditate beneath them at the start of each school day leave no doubt that the Ptah Academy of Arts and Sciences isn't your typical school."

The academy is named after an ancient Egyptian god and "includes of elements of ancient spiritualism in its instruction," according to the Post-Dispatch article, which continues, "The school is not religious, Whitmore said, but it does encourage children to tap in to their 'spiritual energy.' "

The article indicated the school included "yoga, organic meals, tai chi and daily 'inner studies' or sessions of meditation" in its curriculum.

In a February 2005 article in the pro-voucher publication School Reform News, Ms. Whitmore-Smith said that she had attended private schools until high school and her experience at a public school was "hell."

Ms. Whitmore-Smith said, "Academically, it just couldn't match what I'd been getting (in private schools)."

Ms. Whitmore-Smith was one of the leading proponents of unsuccessful pro-voucher legislation that was considered this year in the General Assembly.

(Photo: Ms. Whitmore-Smith is shown with Rep. Rodney Hubbard, Governor Matt Blunt, and Rep. Ted Hoskins. The two Democratic representatives, both voucher proponents, were recently placed in charge of the Special Committee on School Choice by Speaker of the House Rod Jetton.)

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