Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Report: Stevenson motion would gut reforms that could prevent tragedies like Anderson Guest House

David Catanese of KY3 is keeping track of some motions and votes that the rest of the media seem to be ignoring.
In a series of blog posts Monday, Catanese explored a motion by Rep. Bryan Stevenson, R-Webb City, which appears designed to gut some requirements that a new law established for assisting living centers.
In the post offering Stevenson's explanation for his motion, the representative said the rules were legally flawed:

Stevenson's motion includes stripping language requiring background checks for workers in facilities, specific responsibilities for workers during an emergency, immunizations for residents and staffing provisions. When I asked Stevenson if he would introduce legislation to make these rules legally sound, he said he would not.
"I'm not going to do that. I mean, I wouldn't be opposed to it. I'd probably support legislation that did it, but it's not something I have time to file," Rep. Stevenson said.

In his first post on the Stevenson motion, Catanese bluntly states what is going on:

In essence, this is the story of how one lawmaker can try to make sweeping changes to legislation (that's already been passed) in a small committee room, mostly out of the public eye.

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