Kansas City Star columnist accurately assesses Gary Nodler's proposed constitutional amendment that all Missouri business conducted in the English language as a "waste of time" and "pandering to voters." The column includes this passage:
There might not be much of one in Missouri, where Republican Sen. Gary Nodler of Joplin has proposed a constitutional amendment. "English shall be the language of all official proceedings in the state of Missouri," is all it says.
And that means what?
"It is what it says," Nodler told me. But his interpretation, Nodler said when pressed, is that state agencies would be absolved from feeling they have to translate documents into other languages. Some of them, though, probably still would provide that service because it would be in the public interest.For instance, the state now administers driver’s license tests in nearly a dozen languages. But other than that, the amendment would be mostly symbolic.
In other words, a complete waste of time.
What's new....this is what he does. He wastes our time and money playing like he is important.
Someone keeps electing him. Maybe it is "those people."
Thanks Randy for posting on this issue-the News Leader has reported Jack Diddly while many area representatives have jumped on this bandwagon which includes two proposed legislative bills and the House Joint resolution to ammend the Constitution! Outrageous worthless politicians!
Nice picture of his most Hitler-like pose.
Nodler is a stud. I love the picture too.
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