Thursday, February 15, 2007

Deadline for O'Sullivan utility payment is today

Beleaguered O'Sullivan Industries has another deadline for paying its utilities bill to the city of Lamar.
An article by Melissa Dunson in today's Joplin Globe indicates the company owes $245,000:

(City Manager Lynn) Calton said that if O’Sullivan does not pay its bill today, he would inform Mayor Keith Divine on Friday morning, and that he (Divine) most likely would call a special meeting of the City Council to discuss the possibility of shutting off the plant’s power. "If they don’t pay, we're not just going to trot out there and pull the big plug," Calton said. "On an important issue like this, we’d need to call a meeting. Hopefully, we won’t have to deal with that."


  1. Anonymous7:55 AM

    News Now! 9:53am

    Randy Turner, award winning teacher, newspaper writer, and blogger has farted. Students describe it as the kind that comes from eating too much Taco Bell. Student Michael Fritz indicated that it was possibly from a "fully loaded Burrito Supreme."

    For more details, see Fridays edition of the Joplin Globe.

  2. Anonymous9:10 AM

    You can tell that the person who posted the first comment is very immature. My guess is that the age of that person is probably 10 years old.

  3. Anonymous10:40 AM

    I find the Joplin Globe a poor news source for the Lamar area. There was a school bus accident yesterday,not at word in the Globe.
    However, the Globe and Lynn Calton produced a front page story that should warrant a defamation lawsuit. O'Sullivan should not permit the constant harassment by this unsavory individual. Calton's constant misintepretation of zoning ordinances, buying into hairbrain electric generating schemes (using tax payer funds), and making private conversations public should not be tolerated by the public.

  4. Anonymous3:36 PM

    If O'Sullivan would pay their bills, they wouldn't be front page news.

  5. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Close Randy. I'm nine years old but I'm still smarter than you.

  6. Anonymous5:37 PM

    I find the first post VERY funny. Matter of fact I almost pissed my pants laughing about it and I am way over ten. Also, whoever said "if O'sullivan would pay their bills on time they would'nt be first page news" is a complete idiot. What's wrong with paying a bill on the day it is due. Lots of people do. I paid our $113 electric bill the day it was due this week....OOOHHHH that must mean I wasn't going to pay it. Let's call the freakin Globe! If I had a $200,000+ bill due you bet your ass I would wait til the day it was due. It's called earning interest!

  7. Anonymous6:29 PM

    I find the person ABOVE to be a COMPLETE IDIOT. 1. For finding a childish comment like post #1 to be funny and 2. For being too stupid to realize why O'Sullivan is front page news.
