Monday, February 12, 2007

Metal detectors proposed for state capitol

An Associated Press story early last week reported Governor Matt Blunt's public safety director Mark James wants metal detectors at the state capitol building.
Under James' plan, members of the general public would have to go through the detectors while lobbyists would receive electronic cards that would permit them to enter through any door at will:

Under the proposal, most doors to the Missouri Capitol would be locked. State employees, media, lobbyists and vendors who work in the Capitol could receive electronic cards that would allow them to enter any door. But all others would be directed to the Capitol's south entrance, where people would pass through one of three metal detectors and send their purses and briefcases through one of two X-ray machines, James said. School children in sixth grade and under on scheduled field trips would not be subject to the screenings.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:40 AM

    This is obviously an Administration that is afraid of its own shadow. As my mother use to say, "He's a scare-de-cat".
    But, remember another old saying, "Beware of those who bring presents".
    You can see who these Repukelicans live for, the LOBBYSTS.
