Friday, May 18, 2007

Big night for teen blogger

It seems like just yesterday that Michelle Nickolaisen, author of the Victim of Reality blog, was sitting in the back of my trailer classroom at Diamond Middle School, the most gifted writer and most original thinker in that seventh grade writing class.
When class discussions were held, other students loved to take positions opposite Michelle's just to get her riled, and more often than not they succeeded.
It was during one student-initiated discussion that Michelle and her classmates, including Zach Towers, Stacia Martens, Lydia O'Donnell, Shane Gallagher, Chase Sexson, Leanne Ross, and Amanda Brashears, questioned the way the local media handled the coverage of the death of Dr. Greg Smith, the Diamond R-4 superintendent at that time. They were particularly upset with the way the media kept questioning Smith's widow. That discussion inspired me to write my first novel, Small Town News.

I was fortunate enough to have Michelle in my class for two years. During that second year, for one quarter, she was in two of my classes, writing and reading. It was during that reading class that I suggested that Michelle and Alicia Bradley start journals of their experiences when they reached high school and maybe, at some point, fictionalize them and turn them into novels.
They did not wait for high school.
That night, the two eighth graders started their blogs. Michelle's first blog was "Seceding from Society." Up to that point, I had never heard of a blog before. After they eagerly told me of their online journals, I decided that even an old dog like me could learn new tricks, and thanks to Michelle and Alicia, The Turner Report was born.

On the day in the summer of 2003, when the Diamond R-4 Board of Education held a meeting to determine if I would be put on an unpaid leave of absence, it was Michelle who surprised me (and the board, as well) by organizing a show of support and writing and reading a letter of support for me at the meeting. That was a gutsy move for a young woman who was barely out of eighth grade and something for which I will never be able to repay her.

When Small Town News was published, having seen her organizational ability firsthand, I hired her to be in charge of publicity. She helped organize the successful signings at Neosho and at Hastings in Joplin (the Hastings signing for Small Town News, to this day, is the biggest the store has ever had).

So there was no way in the world I was going to miss a chance to see Michelle Nickolaisn receive her diploma. When I walked into Diamond High School tonight, the first people I saw were Michelle and Stacia Martens. Then the other old familiar faces quickly gathered around- the kids who helped make arriving at Diamond Middle School a joy every day. We all talked for a bit, then I entered the gymnasium to watch the ceremony.

Though Michelle is just as vertically challenged as she was in seventh grade, she stood tall when she received her diploma from her mother, Beth Nickolaisen, a member of the R-4 Board of Education (not one of those who was on the board when I was there).

A few moments later, Michelle turned her tassel, flung her hat in the air, did her best to dodge a barrage of silly string.

And I will admit it, my eyes were a little moist when I saw the members of the Diamond High School Class of 2007 end their high school days. Michelle and her classmates taught me as much as I taught them (which is the way education should always be).

Michelle Nickolaisen has entered the adult world. I have no doubt she will take it by storm.


  1. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Great story!

  2. Anonymous7:20 AM

    By adult do you mean pornography?

  3. I student taught at Waynesville High School and decided to attend the the graduation ceremony yesterday evening. I didn't realize how much of an impact I had on some of the students I had taught until one of them ran up to me and said, "You came back for me!" and picked me up, twirling me around three time before sitting me down and running on to his next 'victim'. Another could not stop saying, "Oh my goodness! I'm so surprised to see you!...Mom, take our picture!" and another "I thought you had forgotten about us!" Teary eyed, I left the football stadium with confirmation that teachers can be the world's greatest positive influence on a young persons life. I simply hope that the paths I choose in my own life will continue to provide me with the opportunity to positively influence the lives of others.

    Great work Randy!

  4. Aimee, I am happy that you had the opportunity to have such a wonderful experience. Have you landed a teaching position?

  5. Yes, Randy, but not in the same aspect as originally dreamed. I have worked for Residential Life since I started college and after graduating took an interim position as a Hall Director. I realized that working with college age students in university residential housing provided me just about everything I love about teaching, minus the bulk of the politics. I scarified the idea of making an influence on the younger minds to provide influence to the older minds (and get my masters). After I complete my degree, I hope to return my focus to my original dream of being a middle school math teacher or a high school counselor. While not a teacher as defined by society, I am still able to provide educational opportunities to the students of the residence halls.

  6. aw man. Why do you always find these goofy pictures of me Mr. T? :P

    thanks though, it was really great seeing you there, I'm glad nobody made a fuss.

  7. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Why does Randy even have access to all of these pics? Creepy.

  8. Anonymous2:51 PM

    He wasn't welcome at the graduation and disgraced himself even more by going back to the place that he was fired from for incompetence. I will also say this; Michelle isn't half as happy to be leaving Diamond as the school district is in getting rid of her. Good riddance to the last of Turner's Brainwashed Disciples.

  9. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Has Turner trademarked that name? The Brainwashed Disciples would be a great name for a rock group.

  10. Anonymous5:14 PM

    What Randy Turner did to the Diamond School District during his time there was criminal and how he managed to stay there as long as he did is something that has always amazed me. He is a manipulate, deceitful person who cares only about himself and not about the kids he teaches. It's about time that Joplin School District kicked him out. He always wears out his welcome. I would like for someone to tell me one unselfish thing that bastard has ever done for anyone.

  11. Actually, he WAS welcome at graduation. Unless I'm sorely mistaken, graduation is about us, the graduates, and seeing as how Mr. T was almost tackled immediately by at least ten graduating students, I think it's relatively safe to say that he was quite welcome.

    Also, I think it's sad that a school district would be happy to see ANY student, who came to school wanting to learn, leave, and if it's true, I think it says a lot more about the school district than the student. But no, I'm pretty sure I'm a hell of a lot happier to be gone than they are to have me leave. Good riddance to crappy teachers and biased school administrators.

    What Randy Turner did to the Diamond school district during his time there was be one of the best teachers in the middle school and I still hear people listing him as one of their favorite teachers of all time. He actually listens to students and gave us a forum to discuss our ideas. One unselfish thing? I think teaching counts as unselfish.

    And furthermore, at least Randy gives you idiots a place to voice these opinions and puts a name to his writing and thoughts. You cowards just come to insult people time and time again and don't even leave an email to contact people privately.

    Once again, Penny Arcade's theory proves entirely correct:

  12. Thanks for the kind words, Michelle. I might also add, in response to the earlier anonymous comment, that anyone who would label Michelle as a "brainwashed disciple" obviously has never met her. She was her own person before, during, and after the two years I was lucky enough to have her as a student.

  13. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Congratulations Michelle. Never stop learning, thinking for yourself, and growing.

    As you can see here by looking at certain anonymous posters, when you stop learning, thinking for yourself, and growing your brain atrophies (I'm sure you can pick out the posts by those who are displaying traits consistent with brain atrophy) possibly leading to early Alzheimers.

    Congratulations. Wishing you much success in the future.

  14. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Nice try...such a witty response I don't know where to My point is that Michelle has constantly dogged nearly all of the teachers and the entire school district since she could speak. She is an intelligent young lady but she needs to remember that you don't simply acquire the intelligence through some supernatural power. Any knowledge that she or any other student has comes from school, studying, tutoring, and other types of self-education. It is a shame that she has felt the need all of these years to speak poorly of her teachers, most of whom are very good people who have worked hard and do not deserve that type of treatment. I sincerely hope that she and other reflect back on their high school career some day and understand what education is all about. And Michelle, you are no better than anyone else on here because I believe that YOU (idiot) also have a place to voice your opinions and put other down as well. Tha seems to be what all of you do on this blog. Be careful of the double-standard.
