Sunday, July 15, 2007

Hunter: Campaign financing the hard way

Rep. Steve Hunter, R-Joplin, received $4,200 during the last three months, with $4,000 coming from one source.
Hunter's second quarter disclosure report, filed today with the Missouri Ethics Commission, shows that he received $4,000 from Survey St. Louis, 320 Monroe Street, St. Charles, the same location of the infamous Monroe Street Laundry operation that has been good to Hunter's campaign coffers in the past, as shown in the July 30, 2006 Turner Report.
Hunter's other $200 came from CNC of Kansas, Kansas City.
Hunter started the quarter with $25,093.88 and spent $4,069.03, leaving him with $25,224.85. His biggest expenses was $1,931 charged to his Capital One card for attending the ALEC convention.

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