Friday, July 27, 2007

My new favorite Barry Bonds story

One of the joys of going through my e-mail each day is when I receive a KOM League Flash Report from John Hall, the Carthage native whose books on the old KOM League and Mickey Mantle have made him a favorite of those interested in old-time baseball.

But as the nation watches despondently as San Francisco Giant slugger (and Frankenstein experiment) Barry Bonds edges closer to becoming the all-time home run king, leave it to John Hall to provide my favorite Bonds-related story I have heard so far.

In his latest Flash Report, Hall writes:

During yesterday's game at San Francisco, Atlanta rightfielder Jeff Francouer hit a screaming line drive to left field. Now, for the $10,000 prize winning question--who caught the ball?

If you said Barry Bonds, you aren't even close.

Around 2:00 P. M. CDT, on Thursday, I had a cellphone call from my grandson, Vince Pescaglia. He informed me he was outside the Giants ballpark (they change names so often I still call it Candlestick) awaiting entry. I told him I'd be watching the game on TBS (Turner Broadcasting) and expected to see him, his dad, mom and brothers during the game.

In the third inning Francouer blasted Linecum's fast ball and it went directly into the lap of oldest grandson, Tony Pescaglia. I dialed him up very quickly and congratulated him on a good catch. My wife was sorry she missed the play. In the sixth inning another Brave hit a shot to the same spot, but a couple of feet lower. This time Barry Bonds grabbed the ball. But,in view above Bonds, on his right was son-in-law, Bucky and on Bonds left was grandson Vince.

The vacation continues but there will be no more watching Bonds chase his steroid induced home run record. I told them if they caught the record breaking homer to throw the ball back. When Tony caught the home run ball, yesterday, the fans chanted "Throw it back." He responded with "No way, we're Cardinal fans."

1 comment:

  1. It's great seeing Tony Pescaglia mentioned i your column. John Hall--grandpa!
