Thursday, July 19, 2007

Radical Republican blog bites the dust

It is always sad to see a blogging voice silenced, especially when it is one as thoughtful as Tim Hilton on "The Radical Republican." In his latest (and apparently final) post, Hilton announced he will not be blogging any more:

"For all those interested, I wanted to announce that I will no longer be blogging and that 'The Radical Republican' will be dormant for the foreseeable future.

"My brother started this blog a little over two years ago, and I took over posting last summer. John enjoyed doing the blog, and I enjoyed my year of posting. However, John and I have both moved on to other things."

I will leave the blog on the links list on the right hand side of this page for a few days for anyone who may want to catch up on some of the items Hilton has written about.


  1. Anonymous1:41 PM

    From the looks of him, the other things he's moved onto don't include dating.

  2. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Randy, you have some very classy people reading your blog....
