Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Blunt may withdraw pro-voucher appointment

One of the dangers for Governor Matt Blunt of calling a special session is that the Senate will have a chance to vote on his recess appointments, including his latest pro-voucher candidate for the State Board of Education, former Rep. Derio Gambaro, D-St. Louis.
PubDef speculates the governor might withdraw the appointment, then reappoint him again after the session concludes, which would mean Gambaro would get to serve approximately eight months without official appointment.

This information about Gambaro and his connection to pro-voucher billionaire Rex Sinquefield (also a major contributor to the governor) was featured in the June 11 Turner Report:

In 2006, Sinquefield virtually bankrolled Gambaro's unsuccessful candidacy for the state senate seat eventually won by Gambaro's Democratic primary opponent Jeff Smith.
Smith, the senator who blocked Ms. Whitmore-Smith's appointment, may do the same to Gambaro, but the former state representative will be able to serve until the Senate is in session next January.

Though a contribution limit of $675 was in effect at that time, Sinquefield contributed $20,700 into Gambaro's account during its final quarter, by placing $6,500 donations into three committee accounts, which then turned the money over to Gambaro. No pretense was made otherwise, since those were the only contributions those commttees received during that time period. Sinquefield and his wife each chipped in with $600 directly to Gambaro to account for the other $1,200.

It appears Sen. Jeff Smith, D-St. Louis, the senator for Gambaro's home district, opposes Gambaro's nomination, so it should be interesting to see what the governor does in the next couple of days.

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