Monday, August 27, 2007

Two years after his death, Walton continues to fund pro-voucher group

Rex Sinquefield will not be the only billionaire funding pro-voucher efforts in Missouri during the 2008 legislature and elections.
Though he has been dead for two years, John Walton, the son of Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton, continues to fund All Children Matter from beyond the grave. Apparently, Mr. Walton made sure that his estate would continue to fund his favorite causes, including the nation's top voucher proponent, All Children Matter.
Documents from the Virginia State Board of Elections indicate All Children Matter's Virginia PAC, which provided the $200,000 to fund the negative campaign advertising in the waning days of the 2004 election that propelled Matt Blunt into the governor's mansion, has received $4.1 million from Mr. Walton during the past year. Mr. Walton has been the PAC's biggest contributor since the beginning of 2006.
It is almost a guarantee that some of Mr. Walton's money will make its way into Missouri in 2008.

1 comment:

  1. It's nice to know that some Wal-Mart earned money is going to a cause other than lining the pockets of the Walton family.
