Thursday, September 06, 2007

Blunt asks that "broad, objective" look be taken at Iraq

In a news release issued today, Seventh District Congressman Roy Blunt suggested that a "broad, objective look needs to be taken at Iraq progress reports.

The news release reads:

"Next week, this Congress will hear a firsthand, detailed account of the progress our troops are making on the ground in Iraq -- and gain a better appreciation from Gen. Petraeus and Amb. Crocker of the challenges that still exist.
"But the report delivered by Gen. Jones this afternoon is an important assessment in its own right, having demonstrated once again that real progress is being made in raising a reliable Iraqi army, and helping it assume a greater leadership role in its country. At the same time, the general's report reminds us that serious consequences would follow a precipitous withdrawal of support forces in the area -- consequences that would impact regional stability, personal safety, and long-term American security.
"As Congress continues to take in these reports and evaluate the merit of their recommendations, we owe it to our men and women fighting abroad to take a broad, objective look at the conditions in the field, the progress they continue to make, and the ways we can come together as an institution to help -- not hinder -- their continued success. Prejudging the Petraeus report and dismissing its analysis before it's even delivered to Congress is not the way to accomplish that, and I'm hopeful my Democratic colleagues will suspend their judgments until the general has had a chance to offer his testimony."


  1. Anonymous5:48 AM

    I suggest they start the draft immediately, as soon as that hits the house and senate floor and the ayes have it, the war will end. Public opinion will see to it that it ends quickly. When every 18 year old is lined up to go, the fun of Iraq will end. It isn't serious when your neighbor's kid goes, but when your kid HAS to go, then it becomes serious. So either start the draft or cut off the funding.

  2. Anonymous8:47 AM

    The idea that the war will end is idiotic. If the United States pulls out of Iraq the terrorists will continue their war against western civilization. We were not in Iraq when we were attacked on Sept. 11th and the jihadists will continue their war against us after we leave Iraq. This idea that handing the terrorists a victory in their world war will end it is just plain crazy.

  3. Anonymous4:32 PM

    I've already looked broadly and objectively and its time to get out.

    For starters the "better there than here" slogan is nothing short of morally bankrupt. It's like saying, I want to have a wild party at the white stucco house two streets over. I know its not mine but if we have it there, my house won't get trashed. "Better there than here".

    As far as al-Qaeda not coming here if we stay there? Get real. They haven't stopped trying since 9/11 and no doubt will for some time to come wherever our troops are at. However, if our troops were here we could at least mount a defense.

  4. Anonymous10:42 PM

    You are thinking too narrowly. When you say get out, this is a world war, the only way out is victory or death, retreating from Iraq doesn't end the war it expands it and strengthens the enemy. You remain the target, the war goes on, You just increase the means by which the enemy can attack us directly as well as increasing there financial resources vastly. There does seem to be this never land view that if we just leave Iraq, the war is over and we are left alone, that is so wrong!

  5. Anonymous10:45 PM

    As to your point about the fact that we have not been hit since 911 despite the continued efforts, it is because the majority of their resources are being expended in Iraq which Osama calls the main front in his war against the United States, your view just doesn't hold up.

  6. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Good Ole Boy Blunt and George still have a few supporters. Lord help you.

  7. Anonymous6:18 AM

    The question isn't whether you support Bush or Blunt. The question is whether you support the United States or the Terrorists, you seem to take the side of the terrorists...May the Lord help and forgive you!

  8. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Same old baloney from the right. No need to learn anything new or think that way.

    The rest of the nation is just going to have to move on without them.

  9. Anonymous10:46 AM

    End of exchange, the view from the left, as one might expect just ran out of any logical arguements.

  10. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Keep sending kids over there to the slaughter. They are not there to protect your freedom or mine and we both know it. We are there because of a lying president. Now no one has the balls to get us out. If young people want to sign up and die for this president, then so be it. Thats all they are dying for, has nothing to do with "keeping us safe" as they love to say. If you are for Bush and his war, send your sons and daughters, and most of all send your grandkids. Its not a problem long as your neighbors send theirs, but when yours has to go it becomes a real concern.

  11. Anonymous8:12 PM

    This war has the lowest casualty rate in the history of American warfare, the stakes have never been higher and the cost in casualties has never been lower. You ignore the success of our military in keeping the rate low and say they are being slaughtered, what you say just isn't true WWII millions, Korea 53,000 in 3 years, Viet Nam 58,000 in 10 years, Iraq about 3,000 in 5 years. Of course every life counts but saying out troops are being slaughtered indicates a profound ignorance of history and the facts on the ground there where we happen to be winning militarily!

  12. Anonymous8:17 PM

    They are not there to protect your freedom because you are willing to give it up and convert to Islam, everything you say points to that surrender attitude. It amazes me that people like you side with Bin Laden against our own President and troops, you call the President a liar and your words are identical to Osama, in many ways you are the enemy. For all I know you are blogging from the middle east and are an islamic terrorist yourself you sure sound like one.

  13. Anonymous3:10 AM

    Bush is lying. I'm not from the middle east. You're paranoid. And the surrender accusation is utterly ridiculous.

    By the way, why aren't you over there either fighting in the military or as a mercenary since you think this is a just cause? Oh yeah. The tv clicker, computer, and nice comfy recliner beats lumpy sand, IEDs, bullets, blood, and 120 degree heat any day. Right? Right.

  14. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Like I said before, Lord help you!

  15. Anonymous6:11 AM

    This is so ridiculous. You say "Bush is lying". None of this exchange has had anything to do with any statement from The President. You say "Bush is lying" but you don't say what you think The President is lying about. This is so typical, you lose an argument and resort to name calling and disrespect. You sound very young, very rude and very stupid. There are Thousands of Bush`s in the World, if you are referring to the President of the United States, he is “The President”. It is clear that you want to get the last word in here so go ahead and rant on. I am quitting this exchange you are not worthy of further response.

  16. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Never fear The Lord will help me and does help me daily and you if you would confess your sins and call on the name of Jesus Christ he would help you too!

  17. Anonymous6:28 AM

    You never win an argument with the unschooled, therefore, I am leaving you alone. Bush lied, thousands died, enough said.

  18. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Those who accept Christ are "unschooled"? You said "Bush is lying”, not Bush "lied". Nothing in this exchange has made any reference to anything Bush is saying. Your Bush is lying comment comes from left field and has nothing to do with this exchange. It’s not enough for you to attack The President, now you attack Christians as unschooled, may lord truly work a miracle in your life and call you to Christ!

  19. Anonymous11:47 AM

    te he...

  20. Anonymous1:26 PM

    I see none of you are volunteering to go to Iraq either. 'Nuff said.

  21. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Some of us may be in Iraq, others may have been. That doesn't alter the truth.
