Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Campaign contributors pay Ruestman's NRA dues

You would think that after so many years of being employed by the taxpayers, Rep. Marilyn Ruestman, R-Joplin, would be able to scrape up $25 to pay her National Rifle Association dues.

According to her financial disclosure report, filed Sunday with the Missouri Ethics Commission, Ms. Ruestman is letting her campaign contributors take care of that for her, something she has also done on at least two previous occasions.

With all of the work Ms. Ruestman has done to push the NRA's political agenda, you would think she would be awarded with a paid lifetime membership.

During the past three months, Ms. Ruestman has collected $9,571 in contributions. She has $79,000 in her account.


  1. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Gee, this begs the question: which came first - the chicken or the egg? Marilyn Ruestman is a shill for the right wing. She doesn't have an idea of her own, and she drank the Kool Aid to the dregs. It's a pity, because at one time she was an intelligent woman with promise.
    Once they get a person over to the dark side, it's all downhill from there.
    Maybe she could get her contributors to pony up some dough for new veneers on her front teeth. The ones she has are painfully fake looking and white - not like real teeth at all. When she smiles, she looks like someone rubbed chalk on her mouth.

  2. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Ah, the enlightened well reasoned rhetoric of the left.

  3. Anonymous 1, It's nice to see that leftists have the courage of their convictions and the ability to form such wonderfully cogent arguments as "Her teeth are too white."
