Tuesday, October 09, 2007

First Joplin signing planned for Turner Report book

The initial Joplin signing for my first non-fiction book, The Turner Report, will be held Saturday, Oct. 20, at Always Buying Books. The exact times will be finalized within the next day or two.

The cost of the book, which features my recollections of some of the stories I covered during my years at The Carthage Press and the Lamar Democrat, as well as some of the stories that have been featured on this blog, and some new investigative pieces, will sell for $17.

Copies of my novels, Small Town News and Devil's Messenger, will be available for $10 apiece. I will have more information about the signing later this week.


  1. Anonymous9:30 AM

    nobody cares

  2. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Oh good! I was running low on toilet tissue.

  3. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Do you think these "anonymous" are just lonely, bitter people whose life consists of posting petty remarks on blogs, or do you think they're local media-types with an ego bigger than their IQ? Or both?
    Personally, I often disagree with you, Randy, but I think you perform a valuable community service and I'm happy for your book success. I guess it's true that all reporters want to write a novel, eh?

  4. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Yknot is on the right track. Randy Turner can accomplish more in one day with his various enterprises than the first two jerks will in a lifetime. It is poetic justice that as much as they despise Randy they can't seem to stop reading his blog. As usual, Randy comes out the winner.

  5. Anonymous10:49 AM

    And now we have heard from two of Randy’s teen-aged female groupies. Rock on girls!

  6. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Hehehe. That is funny stuff. Nah...according to Turner it is all the same person. LOL! He is a funny dude, always trying to minimize the negative feed which is substantial by always saying that they are coming from the same IP address. This is simply not true but he can say whatever he wants to try and validate his comments. Until he provides some type of proof then everything he says about these posters is bullcrap. He has never listed the addresses to prove anything and is more than likely making all of these things up. Especially when it comes to Nodler. He just can't seem to stand the fact that there is (right or wrong) support for him in this area.

  7. I find the nobody cares post interesting. Obviously you do, I mean you read his post and feel compelled to comment on it. Isn't this book in some ways an extension of this blog, in so far as that a lot of it is Randy's perspectives and stories that interest him? At least the "running low on toilet tissue" response had some merit. It doesn't imply that Randy doesn't have a right to promote his book on his blog or that no one will read it, they just question the quality. Of course, if these two posts do belong to the same person, that person is obviously an idiot, for more reasons than I wish to list here.

  8. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I'll have you know I highly value toilet tissue. I buy the expensive kind, runs about $1.25 a roll. But Randy's book would be too expensive by far for such a use, LOL.

    Randy, congrats on your book and the signings. The naysayers are just sob sisters who probably don't read.
