Saturday, November 17, 2007

Accused killer's MySpace page vanishes

The MySpace page of David Spears, 25, Stella, has apparently been deleted.
Spears has been charged with first degree murder, forcible rape, and statutory rape in connection with the death of his nine-year-old stepdaughter Rowan Ford.
The existence of MySpace pages for Spears and his friend Chris Collings, 32, Wheaton, who has also been charged with the same crimes, was first revealed in the Nov. 10 Turner Report. While Collings' page was accessible by the public, Spears' page was private.
If the page was deleted, it had to be done either by MySpace or someone with access to Spears' password since he is being held without bond. Collings' MySpace page is intact.


  1. Anonymous3:16 AM

    or it could have had information useful to the investigation and been deleted by Spears while he was in the company of his attorney or the prosecutor, right Randy?

  2. Possible, but highly unlikely. I would guess law enforcement was aware of these MySpace pages early, and any deletion of the pages, depending on the content, could be considered to be hindering an investigation.

  3. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Too bad they didn't give this girl as much attention as they did thier MySpace pages.
