Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Newton County prosecutor investigating Rowan Ford hotline calls

The Newton County Prosecuting Attorney's office issued subpoenas Tuesday to the Division of Children's Services after receiving reports that Triway school officials had made hotline calls on behalf of nine-year-old Rowan Ford, who was a fourth grader at the school.
The prosecuting attorney's office confirmed to The Turner Report the investigation and the subpoenas.
Rowan Ford was raped and murdered Nov. 2. Her stepfather, David Spears, and family friend Chris Collings have been charged with first degree murder, forcible rape, and statutory rape.


  1. I know Randy, very very sad. As I said before, it breaks my heart when I hear these stories. I use to work at the Minnesota State hospital and worked with child molestors from time to time and they diagnosed them as "psychopaths, antisocials, or sexually dangerous person", but lets just call it what it is, they are just plain evil, straight from satan himself. I"m sick and tired of children being abused.

    I don't know about the rest of SW MO but I"d like for DFS to answer some very important questions, and be held accountable for any mistakes, if any, that they may have made in this case. A 9 year old showing up at the school at 6:30am is a huge red flag. It tells me that something is not right with this little girl and her family. I suspect the litle girl was being molested all along and this particular time she said she was going to tell so they killed her. I'm betting it could have been prevented, especially if DFS was involved.
    Liz Mooney, (aka Eby Hardman)

  2. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Its time DFS has a day in court over their lack of action in abuse cases. Too many times in SW Missouri they have been the culprit and got away free and clear.
