Saturday, November 24, 2007

Republican pundit: Edwards has clear shot at Democratic nomination

The talk about the race for the Democratic presidential nomination has primarily centered around senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, but Republican columnist Douglas McKibbon says former Sen. John Edwards has a clear path to the nomination...thanks to the baser instincts of some in the electorate:

While Democrats won't talk about it publicly as it goes against their vow of political correctness, behind the scenes, a number of them wonder if the America of 2008 will be "open-minded and mature enough" to actually elect a woman or an African American. Former Rep. Harold Ford dealt with this question during his run for the Senate in Tennessee in 2006. What pollsters discovered is that whatever number of voters said they were going to vote for Mr. Ford, they had to subtract about 10 percentage points from that number to get close to the truth. Will such a scenario plague Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama? Recent history indicates it could.

If the Democratic primary voters get skittish with regard to the overall electability of Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama, who will be the natural beneficiary? Politics of the day seem to point toward Mr. Edwards.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Dougy McKibbon is correct. Republican Americans would never in their wildest dreams ever nominate a woman or a black so Dougy automatically projects this sexist/racist vision onto the Democratic ticket. Seems pretty obvious to me, look at the Republican lineup then look at the Democratic lineup? Notice any difference? For those who fear the other then vote Republican.
