Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Globe launching new magazine

In the "Tomorrow's News Now" e-mail sent out by the Joplin Globe a few moments ago, the newspaper mentioned it will have an article Thursday on a new magazine it is launching, a magazine that profiles "your neighbors and your friends."

The last thing we need is another Joplin Globe niche magazine designed to appeal to some segment of the advertising sector (sometimes with initial success, but seldom long-lasting). Each time one of these niche publications has started, it has diverted valuable resources from the main product.

Why doesn't someone actually try pouring resources into the newspaper and website and forget about meaningless niche publications and special editions?


  1. Anonymous12:28 PM

    They have people much smarter and much more talented than you working on the magazine Turner. Just because you feel that this isn't the direction they need to go doesn't really matter. Everyone has their opinion and frankly, with your psycho babble over the years, yours doesn't amount to much.

  2. Anonymous1:26 PM

    This will be just another advertising vehicle that newspapers employ to reap more ad income. Just what the public needs!

  3. Anonymous1:27 PM

    To put Randy's comment into perspective, how many of the numerous publications now available do you read? Adding more choice which in hand takes more effort does not increase people reading the publications. Cutting a pie into three times as many pieces doesn't feed more people the same as before, it feeds more much less.

  4. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Are these the same geniuses that brought us Scatter, the Tri-State Buyers Guide, RBR, Business Watch, the News-Herald, Coupon Mart?
