Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Scott heads Huckabee campaign team

Sen. Delbert Scott, R-Lowry City, whose district includes Lamar, is chairman of Missourians for Huckabee, according to a post by Jason Rosenbaum today on the Columbia Tribune's Political Blog:

I received an e-mail today from an employee of Axiom Strategies - the service run by GOP consultant Jeff Roe - that a group of Missouri donors met with Huckabee in Little Rock last week. The chairman of the group - known as Missourians for Huckabee - is state Sen. Delbert Scott, R-Lowry City.

“We were thrilled to get this opportunity to meet with Governor Huckabee,” Missourians for Huckabee Chairman Scott said in a statement. “We brought over thirty Missourians here along with contributions to the Governor’s campaign.”

Scott is the first Missouri legislator, as far as I can tell, to announce support for the former Arkansas governor.


  1. Anonymous5:16 AM

    And here I thought Delbert was a conservative. Huckabee's record in Arkansas makes Bill Clinton look like a conservative.

    Huckabee may be socially conservative but he will be weak on immigration and will show no fiscal restraint.

    His social conservatism will not make him agood President since that is all he will have and will not have a congress that will help him in any way in that regard.

    As a spcoa;

  2. Anonymous10:24 AM

    The GOP needs a candidate who is conservative across the spectrum, not solely on social issues. For that reason I will not support Huckabee in the primary. Romney or even Thompson would be preferable to Huckabee.
