Saturday, December 08, 2007

Turner Report book signing is today

A signing for my first non-fiction book, The Turner Report, is scheduled for 1 to 5 p.m. today at Hastings Books, Music, and Video in Joplin.
For those who live outside of the Joplin area, there is still time to order the book as a Christmas gift (it makes a great gift for those elected officials who make our Turner Report Hall of Shame) from or other internet outlets.

I hope to see some of you at Hastings today.


  1. Anonymous6:19 PM

    i heard both people had a wonderful time.

  2. Anonymous7:28 AM

    why do you LOSERS keep reading ? get a life ! the fact that he keeps your posts instead of deleting them shows what a JOKE you are !

  3. Thanks for the comment, Kevin. Of course, the main reason I had not deleted one of the anonymous comments was because I have had no access to the internet for the last couple of days. I don't have any problem with criticism, no matter how poorly worded, but lies and obscenities are not going to remain on this blog. One of the downsides of blogging is the type of vile creatures who feel they can tell any kind of lie about anyone because they no one knows who they are.

  4. Anonymous2:12 PM

    What a double-standard! If you took away all of your rumors and lies you wouldn't have anything to blog about! I read the post you deleted and it is in fact true. That is the exact reason you were fired from two different jobs....

  5. It would be stupid to allow people to spread lies about me on my own blog. Feel free to start your own blog and write whatever you like about me. It is comments like yours that prove The Turner Report is succeeding. Otherwise, there would be no need to start spreading lies.

    I have always allowed people whose views differ from mine to post comments provided they leave out the obscenities. Comments like the ones I have deleted have no place in this blog or any other as far as I am concerned.

  6. Anonymous5:32 PM

    yes, the turner report is suck-ceeding.

  7. Anonymous7:06 PM

    are they lies or is this your attempt to cover up the truth? i think the latter. you have been exposed and everyone saw it....and is probably not surprised by it.

  8. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Those who accuse are often those guilty.
    Senator Craig comes to mind......

  9. Anonymous6:06 AM

    If you think Randy is lying and such just go away and read something else. I just don't get it, if it is so awful for you then you are wasting valuable hours of your life so stop and get on with your life.

  10. Anonymous11:36 AM

    maybe you should tell turner the exact same thing.....if he thinks Nodler, and well all of the republican party is so bad then maybe he should get on with his life.....or maybe he is trying to expose them such as was just done to him.

  11. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Succeeding...LOL....don't make me laugh. Open to criticism??/ Are u freaking kidding me. Anytime anyone says anything on this blog you don't agree with you make personal attacks about their "wording" or "grammar" or them in general. Or you try to belittle the comments by saying they were all made by the same person without proof. You post lies constantly on this blog with no recourse.

  12. Anonymous7:07 PM

    those who can, do. those who can't, teach middle school.
