Monday, January 28, 2008

Edwards: Scrap No Child Left Behind

During a campaign stop in Dublin, Ga., Sunday, John Edwards ripped into the No Child Left Behind law:

Turning to education, he promised to fix “that mess called No Child Left Behind."

"It's leaving millions of children behind every single day," he said. "I can tell you no child has ever learned anything from filling out a bubble on a cheap standardized test."

He supported universal pre-K for every four-year-old, and bonuses for teachers in rural and urban areas.

Edwards is quite right about No Child Left Behind. Rather than adding accountability to American education, it has severely damaged the system, all in the name of opening the door for the privatization of education and vouchers.

I have heard No Child Left Behind mentioned occasionally during this campaign, and it is about time it is moved to the forefront. No Child Left Behind is a joke and needs to be scrapped.


  1. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Did Edwards vote for or against it in 2001?

  2. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Edwards voted aye...
