Monday, February 11, 2008

Marshfield School District announces hiring of Mayo as superintendent

The Marshfield R-1 Board of Education announced the hiring of Mark Mayo, as superintendent beginning July 1. Mayo has been superintendent of the Diamond R-4 School District since the death of Dr. Greg Smith on Oct 31, 2001.

According to an article in last week's Marshfield Mail, the board offered the following description of what it was looking for in a superintendent:

"They are looking for a candidate with central office experience, an emphasis in education as well as financial management, and someone who has demonstrated administrative leadership."

Mayo will receive a salary of more than $100,000.


  1. Anonymous1:42 PM

    ...yet the thing he will be most praised for is firing you. At lease that is on his resume.

  2. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Than goodness he isn't going to Lamar.
