Sunday, March 09, 2008

McCaskill: Leave decision on Florida, Michigan to the states, and DNC

During an appearance this morning on Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer, Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-MO, said any decision on what should be done with delegates in Florida and Michigan should be left to the states and the Democratic National Committee:

Well, certainly Barack Obama wants the people of Michigan and Florida to be heard from. It's important. Having said that, what Barack Obama has done is very simple. He has, as a big underdog in this race, competed under the rules for every delegate in every state, and he is ahead.

Now, we can't change those rules in the middle of this process. But if the people of Florida, the states of Florida and the DNC come up with a fair way to redo this, whatever they decide, the Obama campaign will respect because, you know, if you look at Michigan, there was only one contender that left their name on the ballot, knowing that those votes were not going to count, and that was not Barack Obama or John Edwards.

It was only Hillary Clinton that left her name on the ballot basically by itself. Well, that shouldn't count. Obviously, that shouldn't count. So I think some kind of do-over is appropriate. I think the Obama campaign is anxious to follow the rules regardless of what these states decide and the DNC decides, whatever the rules are, he'll follow them.

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