Monday, May 12, 2008

Harris considers Blunt attack a "badge of honor"

The Joplin Globe called it "a childish stunt" and that was a perfect description.

Last week, Governor Matt Blunt, who has been under attack for destruction of e-mail records and for not turning over records to investigators, began a counterattack. Perhaps he could make an argument for the records of Attorney General Jay Nixon, but when he asked for the records of Rep. Jeff Harris, D-Columbia, simply because Harris has criticized the governor on this issue, it was simply another petulant act from someone who has a long history of such acts.

Rep. Harris, who is a candidate for the Democratic nomination for attorney general, sent out the following letter today:

Last week, Governor Matt Blunt sunk to a new low. For the past several months Governor Blunt has been the subject of an investigation into whether he ordered two state employees to destroy public records, a clear violation of the Sunshine Law.

As a strong believer and proponent of this law, I spoke out on the House floor last Tuesday, in defense of the two employees who refused to buckle under pressure from the Governor to destroy public records. Too often, state employees are used as scapegoats, and I wanted to commend them for doing the right thing.

So what was the Governor’s response to my speech? He had his office issue a Sunshine request for every document created in my office and every email ever sent or received since 2003.

The Kansas City Star said this was “a childish stunt,” and the Joplin Globe said Blunt is making a “mockery” of the Sunshine law.

This is a clear attempt to distract, bully and intimidate me.

But I've never been intimidated by this Governor. My office will fully comply with his request, because I have nothing to hide.

It's pretty obvious who this Governor does not want as our next Attorney General. Me. I consider that a badge of honor. I fought him when he slashed health care for thousands of Missourians, and he knows that I won't let this email scandal die when he leaves office. He knows that as your next Attorney General, I will make it a priority to find out exactly what happened in this Governor’s office with regards to any order to destroy public records.

As a Missourian, I am disappointed in what we’ve seen from this Governor, and I know that like me, you expect better than vindictive partisanship from your state’s elected officials.

I’m ready to take on Governor Blunt or anyone else who stands between you and your right to a fair, open and accessible government. Please join us today, and help me put some real teeth behind the Sunshine Law.

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