Saturday, June 14, 2008

"Meet the Press' to devote hour to remembrance of Russert

The life and career of Tim Russert will be remembered 8 a.m. Sunday when Meet the Press devotes the entire hour to Russert, who died after suffering a heart attack Friday.

Those scheduled to appear on the show, according to an e-mail message sent out moments ago by NBC News, include Tom Brokaw of NBC News, Mike Barnicle of MSNBC, political operative James Carville, Meet the Press Executive Producer Betsy Fischer, presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin, Gwen Ifill of PBS, political operative Mary Matalin, and former NBC correspondent Maria Shriver.

The news release said the moderator's chair will be left empty in honor of Mr. Russert.


  1. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Tim Russert will be remembered for his dedication to his craft, his overwhelming preparation for his interviews, and his ability to politely put guests on the spot, especially when their statements contradicted earlier ones. It was worth getting up early on Sunday mornings to watch him in action. He will be missed, and his death leaves a void in the NBC news division. I'll miss his election coverage.

  2. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Tim was one of a kind, and one of the best. Proves one thing, do what you want now, you might not be around to do it later.

  3. Anonymous12:08 PM

    I set my alarm to make sure I got to see Meet the Press that morning. I cried twice. Its hard to make me cry, too....
