Thursday, June 12, 2008

Natural Disaster on YouTube

It is not difficult to find natural disasters on YouTube, but until a few moments ago, our band, Natural Disaster, has never graced the website. It is a scary thought, but our version of "Secret Agent Man" is now on the world wide web, thanks to a stationary camcorder on the stage (it couldn't be placed further back because it was raining that night) during our June 30, 2007, performance at Old Mining Town Days in Granby.

This could send Pepto-Bismol sales sky high.


  1. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Good covers. But Randy, you have GOT to tell me what the deal is with the hand bobbing?! I mean, some people just keep time with their foot, but you go all out! Entertaining anyway...

  2. It's not hand bobbing. You can't tell it from the video, but I actually have a small percussion instrument (an egg) in my hand.

  3. Anonymous3:06 PM the "Secret Agent Man" video it looks like a microphone...I mean, I COULD be wrong, but...

  4. You're right, Wes. In that video, it was the microphone. I have had several people attending our performances who have asked me afterward just what it was I was doing during those songs on which I am not the singer, I thought that was what you are talking about. Your first comment was absolutely right as far as Secret Agent Man was concerned.
