Saturday, June 21, 2008

News-Leader editorial: Hulshof-Steelman race nauseating

The gutter tone of the Republican primary race for governor between Rep. Kenny Hulshof and State Treasurer Sarah Steelman is strongly criticized in an editorial in today's Springfield News-Leader:

Watching the two over the past several weeks has been nauseating.

Steelman fires off a criticism; Hulshof's people fire back. Return fire confuses, and more salvos complicate the issue -- which is usually an unsolvable or old saw to begin with -- to the point that any sane voter would slam down the newspaper and go back to watching "American Idol."

Consider that in the past month Hulshof and Steelman, through spokespeople, have traded attacks over:

1) Who's most pro-life 2) Who's the biggest stem-cell hypocrite 3) Who should have done more years ago to stop Medicare and Medicaid patients from getting Viagra 4) The bridge to nowhere in Alaska and 5) Does Hulshof have enough "courage" to fight his own battles?

There's been little true debate over issues important to Missourians. Where do you find the time

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