Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Republican columnist rips into Jetton

nto The Springfield News-Leader's "On the Right" columnist Ryan Cooper ripped into Speaker of the House Rod Jetton today, describing how Jetton's actions concerning the infamous Village Law is ending his four-year reign on a low note:

It didn't have to end this way for Jetton. He chose to define his four years as House Speaker by one obscure passage in one law that benefited one person, rather than focus on needed programs such as Insure Missouri.

At a Romney campaign event in Springfield last fall, I asked Jetton why he refused to answer questions regarding his role in the new village law. He said that a biased media would twist his remarks and that the controversy would disappear after everyone forgets about the law.

It wasn't the media that makes Jetton look like a fool. His own mouth betrayed him when he said that lazy Missourians should be traded for Mexicans and that it's an American right to have a junkyard.

People who live near these proposed villages didn't forget about the law change. They contacted their state lawmakers and demanded that the law be reversed to prevent citizens from creating new towns without any oversight or approval.

Since last fall, Jetton has publicly declared that he was not responsible for the village law. Due to his recent actions, it's hard to believe him.

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