Saturday, July 12, 2008

Blunt issues statement on passing of Tony Snow

Seventh District Congressman Roy Blunt issued the following statement concerning the death this morning of former White House Press Secretary Tony Snow:

"Tony was a man of unique talent and extraordinary character -- a determined spokesman, a dogged conservative, and a dedicated husband and father.

"His influence on the political dialogue of this country was as remarkable as it was pervasive -- but at no time did Tony ever lose perspective on what was truly important in his life, and at no point did he ever lose the famous sense of humor and wit which accompanied that perspective.

"Today I join Americans from all walks of life, and of all political backgrounds, in sending our prayers and condolences to Tony's wife Jill and their three children."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I too express my condolences to his wife and family. Its so sad this man went to his grave defending a liar time after time.